PCOS Hormone Academy
A course designed to educate and empower you to manage your hormones and metabolism, decrease your PCOS symptoms, and feel confident in your body.
If you …
Are only hearing about metformin and birth control as solutions.
Are tired of your doctors telling you to “lose weight", yet nothing seems to work.
The solutions you find on the internet are overwhelming: gluten-free, dairy-free, keto, plant-based, not to mention so many supplements touted as miracle cures.
You are scared that you will never feel safe or confident in your own body.
You feel isolated and like no one understands what you are going through.
I understand. I’ve been there. It doesn’t have to be this way!
I designed this course with you in mind.
Over the past four years, I have helped this dream become a reality for women since I learned how to manage my hormones with PCOS from a ‘Root Cause’ approach. Now I wake up everyday with the energy and passion to not only feel great but also help women like you, find freedom from their PCOS symptoms.
Ready to get started?

Enroll in the Course
The PCOS+ Method is scientifically proven. It will give you a step by step guide and the peace of mind and confidence that you are on the path to Find Fertility with PCOS.

Take Control of Your Fertility Future
We will spend 12 weeks together, offering your body some extra support and optimal nourishment, and watch as your fertility turns back on.

Get Pregnant
Ready to take a pregnancy test that is finally positive? We get it! We can’t wait for you to experience motherhood and celebrate your new baby.
Here’s what I know about you:
Your body wants to feel good. It’s not designed to make you feel miserable. Your symptoms are your body’s way of getting your attention and telling you something is wrong.
Hormones are regulated in large part by what you provide the body.
You didn’t lose your cycle in one day, you didn't gain weight in one day, your hair didn't all fall out in one day. It’s years of things you don’t even realize are happening inside you that affect your hormones and metabolism.
In order to fix this, you need to get to the root of the problem, not treating symptoms, treating what is causing them.
The answers are all inside. Over 50 hours of learning you can take at your own pace, live Q and A sessions in facebook, and a robust community of women supporting each other
What’s Included:
Modules Recorded by Topic - Making Navigating Your Specific Symptoms Easy
More than 16 Different Weekly Meal Plans
Review of Supplements Commonly Used in Management of PCOS (with dosages and brands)
Access To Professional Grade Supplements At A Discount (US Only)
Private Facebook Group Community Moderated By Hormone Dietitians
Guided Meditations And Journaling Prompts
This membership truly is invaluable to us ladies with PCOS. I just started my fifth natural menstrual cycle since November (it is now May)! That’s amazing because before November, I went 14 months with no period. I’ve also lost 45 pounds - solely by focusing on balancing my blood sugar and being mindful of what I put in my body. I’m seeing major improvements in my anxiety/depression. I definitely see a big difference when I take my supplements too, I recently ran out of inositol and I couldn’t control my carb cravings/binging until I got it back into my system for a few days. All of these things that I’ve implemented I learned in the membership site, Caitlin went into every detail. She does not use blanket statements, but looks at people individually to help them decide their best options for treating their symptoms.

Here’s What We Will Cover:
Metabolism and Insulin Resistance
Labwork - What to Get & How to Interpret
Exercise - What Type & How Much
What Supplements Matter Most to Manage PCOS
How to Approach Weight Loss
Acne & Other Skin Issues
Hirsutism & Hair Loss - Fall in Love with your Hair Again
Thyroid Health
Mental Health & PCOS: Anxiety & Depression
Eating Disorders and Disordered Eating
Non-Toxic Living
Peri-Menopause and Menopause
Healthy Cycles