a mini course
PCOS cycles are different. You need a different education to understand what they are telling you about the hormones in your body, your symptoms, and your fertility,
This course is designed to take the mystery out of your menstrual cycle and allow you to use it as a tool to assess progress with your PCOS.
If you …
Aren't sure if you are ovulating...
Don't know how to time sex to get pregnant...
Hear acronyms like BBT, CM, and CP and get so confused...
Have been charting, but have questions about interpreting graphs...
Pee on a million OPK strips and are confused and triggered...
Just use an app and enter your period information and rely on it to tell you when to ovulate...
Want to join the Find Fertility course, but it's not open currently...
Then this mini course is for you!
I designed this course
for women with PCOS.
In order to get pregnant you need to ovulate AND time sex properly around ovulation. Do you know if you ovulate? Do you know when? If you can’t answer these questions, let’s hang out a bit. I can teach you how to interpret your body’s own signals to learn if you are ovulating and more importantly when.
If you are tired of taking the pill because of it’s side affects, but don’t want to get pregnant right now – then this course is for you too! Learn how to unlock the messages your body is sending you about your hormones from your cycle.
Ready to get started?

Enroll in the Mini Course
Learn what to track, when, and start making changes in your sex life to help improve chances of conception.

Feel Confident and Informed
Frankly, we should have learned these things in middle school. Learn why you are hungry before your period or what that snot like substance is in your panties.

Have Freedom in Your Fertility Journey
Whether you are trying to get pregnant or avoid pregnancy with PCOS, you need to know about your cycle.
Here’s what I know about you:
You are committed to this process.
You want more help interpreting how fertile you are and when.
You don't have a million hours to devote to this, so want streamlined information.
Your doctor isn't providing you with many solutions for fertility.
I get it. I was you. My doctor basically told me to pee on a million OPK strips to determine if I was ovulating, and didn’t even know when to do proper testing on my hormones to help answer these questions with lab work. Cycle tracking puts the power back in your hands to answer these questions on your own.
What’s Included:
Over 4 hours of modules on basal body temping, cervical mucus, cervical position, how to track apps, wearables.
Companion Study Guide
Access to a discounted upgrade to the Find Fertility Course
Discounts on fertility trackers like Tempdrop and Ovusense
Sign Up Today

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Meet the creator:
Caitlin Johnson is a unique guide through your PCOS fertility journey. She was diagnosed with PCOS at 18 and told she would have a difficult time having children when she was ready and then spent the next 14 years of her life studying nutrition, becoming a dietitian, and treating women with PCOS to make that scenario less of an "if" and more of a "when.” Using proven methods from research and hundreds of success stories in private practice, she is bringing her program to a larger community of women who would like to conceive—a dietitian and PCOS-Mama with a plan to help you.